MALA PERFORMANCE GROUP (1992 - 1997) was an artistic formation, which emerged quite recently in order to develop a new branch of art. We call malart. This purpose is served by presentations of events from the brand of malashow.
Once under the wagon..and, once on the wagon... - Premiere: March ’93, Kraków
Happy people who sow rather than collect - Premiere: December ’93, Kraków
Circle or square, line or two lines… - Premiere: March ’94, Kraków
Insaturation - Premiere: December ’94, Kraków
Notes from Paris - Premiere: March ’95, Kraków
As he will be, that's what she, and she's what he - it's good good from it will not result. - Premiere: December ’95, Łódź
MALASHOW - an artistic event of MPG
MALAHIT - an artistic event of MPG, claimed by critics to be a crowning achievement of MPG
MALAPER - performer of MPG
MALART - a general direction of MPG’s. artistic explorations
MALALALA - a puppet used by MPG in malashows
MALARIA - occupational disease of MPG
MALADRAMA - a little dramatic composition with uncomplicated plot
MALAREA - area of MPG’s. presentation
MALANOIA - a failed action of MPG
MALAGENCIA - artistic agency of MPG
MALAGA - a drink /before and after presentation/
Circle or square, line or two lines… /1994/